en:Legal Note IE/EN

Legal Information.


For SEAT Ireland, a trading name of Volkswagen Group Ireland Limited, (“We”, “us” or “our”), the protection of your personal data is of utmost importance. This statement relates to our privacy practices in connection with this website.

We shall comply with the General Data Protection Regulation . We fully respect your right to privacy, and will not collect any personally identifiable information about you via this website unless you provide it voluntarily.


If you visit our website, non-personally identifiable information of general nature is collected automatically. This information includes, for example, the kind of web browser, the operating system which is used, or the domain names of your internet service providers. Such information does not allow us to identify you personally. This data is also generated when visiting other web pages on the internet and is not function specific to our internet pages. This kind of information is collected in an anonymised way and interpreted by us for statistical purposes. The more we understand what visitors want, the faster you will find the desired information on our internet pages.


Cookies are text files containing information which makes it possible to identify repeated visitors exclusively for the duration of their visit to our web pages. Cookies are stored on the hard disk of your computer and do not cause any damage there. The cookies of our internet pages do not contain any personally identifiable information. Cookies will save you having to enter data several times, facilitate the transmission of specific contents and will help us to identify those parts of our online service that are particularly popular. This will enable us, among other things, to adapt our web pages exactly to your requirements.

If you want, you can deactivate the use of cookies any time by changing the preferences of your browser. Please use the help functions of your internet browser to see how you can make these changes.



You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal data held about you  and to have any inaccuracies in such personal data corrected. If you wish to avail of this right, please contact us at:

SEAT Ireland
Block C, Liffey Valley Office Campus
Liffey Valley, Dublin 22


For your convenience, this website contains links to other web pages which may pursue different privacy policies. Under no circumstances will personal data be exchanged with such external websites. SEAT, S.A. shall not be responsible for the content or any other aspect related to websites belonging to or managed by third parties, even if they are part of the SEAT Group.

The establishment of links from other websites, which are not related to the SEAT Group, is forbidden unless express authorisation is granted by SEAT S.A.



By means of forms

Without prejudice to what foreseen in each of the forms of the website, when Users provide their personal information they are expressly authorising SEAT, S.A. to process such information for the specified purposes. SEAT, S.A. will incorporate the information provided by the User in its own file. The Spanish Data Protection Agency has been duly informed about said file and the purposes described in each case.

The User may exercise his/her right to access, rectify, cancel and opposite this data by means of written communication addressed to SEAT, S.A., Customer Service Department (Departamento de Atención al Cliente), Autovía A2, Km. 585, 08760 Martorell, Barcelona, or by sending an e-mail to the following address: seatcustomerservice@seat.ie .

By means of cookies

The User is advised that this website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are installed in the browser of the User’s computer in order to record his/her activity. They send an anonymous identifier which is going to be stored in such computer in order to surf in a much easier way by, for example, allowing Users who have already signed up to access the areas, services, promotions or contests reserved exclusively for them without having to sign up on every single visit. They can be also used to measure audience, traffic and navigation parameters, session time and/or monitor progress and the number of entries.

SEAT, S.A. shall seek to ensure the establishment of appropriate mechanisms in order to obtain the authorisation of the User to install the required cookies. Nevertheless, it has to be taken into account that in accordance with legislation, it shall be understood that (i) the User has given his/her consent if the configuration of the browser is changed and this disables the restrictions preventing the entry of cookies and (ii) that the referred consent is not needed to install those cookies which are strictly necessary to provide a service which has been expressly required by the User (by means of previous register).

Below figures a list of the most important cookies SEAT, S.A. is using:

Name of the cookie


Purpose of the cookie




Is used to not display again the cookies information bar, once the user has closed it.

Two years


Adobe Marketing Cloud

Adobe Marketing cloud Visitor ID.

Two years



Stores the date of first time user comes to SEAT site.

Two years



Stores the current car selected.

Browser session



Stores how many configurations user has.

Two years



Stores currency and features amount money added in features.

Browser session



Stores a Boolean to figure out if user remains on the actual visit.

 30 minutes



Stores landing page name through which user arrive to SEAT site.

Browser session



Stores previous page view parameter in order to find out the page percentage viewed.

Browser session



Stores extra parameters in order to find out the page percentage viewed.

Browser session



Stores previous page name.

30 minutes



Stores previous referrer.

30 minutes



Stores an amount page viewed, for visit and visitor.

Two years



Stores milliseconds format date since last user visits the site.

Three years



Stores milliseconds format for visit time on site.

Browser session



Stores milliseconds format for visitor time on site.

Two years



Stores readable text since last user visit.

30 minutes



Stores New/Repeat depends if user visit SEAT site for the first time or not.

Two years



Stores a visit num counter.

Two years


Adobe DTM

Stores landing page name through which user arrive to SEAT site and the time in milliseconds.

Browser session


Adobe DTM

Stores an special last touch page viewed counter.

Two years


Adobe DTM

Stores a page viewed counter.

Browser session


Adobe DTM

Stores a session counter.

Two years


Adobe DTM

Stores landing page name through which user arrive to SEAT.

Browser session


Adobe Analytics

Stores if cookies are enabled (simply set to "true")

Browser session


Adobe Analytics

Stores a page viewed counter.

Browser session


Adobe Analytics

Stores in a milliseconds data format the time spent on visit.

Browser session


Adobe Analytics

Stores information about the previous link that was clicked on by the user.

Browser session


Adobe Target Standard

Stores a number of values to manage how your visitors experience Target campaigns.

Two weeks

Nevertheless, turning off the cookies could modify the performance of the website. Please read the instructions and guides regarding your browser for more information. It is possible that some cookies used in this website are not linked to SEAT, S.A. This is due to the fact that some pages of the website present contents from other webs belonging to third parties (as a YouTube video, for example). SEAT, S.A. is not able to control the configuration of such cookies as the aforementioned content has its origin in another web. You have to check with the other websites of said third parties in order to get information if you are considering a change of your preferences regarding the settings of the cookies.Notwithstanding the foregoing, the User can configure his/her browser in order to be notified about the reception of cookies and to prevent the installation thereof in the system1.

IP addresses and security

The servers of the website detect automatically the IP address and the domain name employed by the User. IP addresses represent an automatically number assigned to a computer when it connects to the Internet. All this information is recorded in an activity file of the server which is duly registered and which allows a further processing of the data.

The website uses security methods of the information generally accepted by the sector, such as firewalls, access control proceedings and cryptographic mechanisms in order to prevent a non-authorised access to the data. To achieve such aims, the User accepts that SEAT obtains data for the purposes of the corresponding authentication of the access controls.

Responsibility regarding blogs or forums

SEAT, S.A. offers to the Users the possibility to include comments and to send pictures in order to include them in the corresponding sections. The posting of comments and/or pictures is subject to the present Terms of use. Please use these services only if you completely agree with the present conditions.

The person identified in each case as the one posting comments and/or sending pictures, is the sole responsible for them. This individual shall be also responsible for assuring that such inclusion to the website complies always with the applicable legislation in force. Comments and/or pictures do not reproduce the opinion of SEAT, S.A. and the company fails to make statements in this respect. SEAT, S.A. will not be liable for any error, inaccuracy or irregularity of the comments and/or pictures posted in the forum. Likewise, SEAT, S.A. shall in no event be responsible, unless otherwise stated in the applicable legislation, for the damages and prejudices that might be occasioned as a result of including comments and/or pictures in the forum or in any other section of the website where this kind of services are allowed.

The User providing text and/or pictures transfers to SEAT, S.A. the rights of reproduction, use, distribution, public communication and any other activity related to them in whatever type of support. The User specially transfers said rights regarding the place of the text and/or pictures within the website belonging to SEAT, S.A. so that other Users of the website are able to access them.

The User providing material declares being the holder of the rights related to these texts or pictures or, if appropriate, guarantees that he/she has the required rights and authorizations of the writer or the owner of the aforementioned texts and/or pictures so that SEAT, S.A. can use and exploit such material by means of the website. In case of not being completely sure about having the rights in order to carry out said transfer in favour of SEAT, S.A., the User undertakes to notify it expressly.

Likewise, SEAT, S.A. shall in no event be responsible, unless otherwise stated in the applicable legislation, for the damages and prejudices that might be occasioned as a result of the use, reproduction, distribution or public communication of the texts and/or pictures which are protected by Intellectual Property rights belonging to third parties when the User has not the required authorisation of the holders to make the use he/she is doing or willing to do. In such case, the User accepts that he/she will be the sole responsible for any claims brought by a third party alleging to have the rights regarding the texts and/or pictures.

SEAT, S.A. reserves the right to make use of the transferred pictures in exhibitions or editing of books, catalogues or similar publications, whether in physical, digital or any other media or support allowing the reproduction, distribution and/or public communication. Likewise, SEAT, S.A. reserves the right to remove unilaterally the comments and/or pictures included in the forum or any other section of the website when the company considers it appropriate. SEAT, S.A. shall not be liable for the information sent by the User when it does not know effectively that the stored information is unlawful or detrimental to goods or rights of third parties who are likely to seek compensation. At the moment of being SEAT, S.A. aware of having data as the ones previously referred to, the company commits itself to act with diligence to withdraw or to make it impossible to access such contents.

In any case, to interpose a claim related to the inserted contents in the forum or in analogous sections, you can do so by referring to the following e-mail address: seatcustomerservice@seat.ie .

Responsibility regarding the access to social networks

SEAT, S.A. accepts no responsibility regarding the information contained in social networks to which the User can access by means of the website since those networks have their own privacy policies which are beyond the control of the company.

SEAT, S.A. is exonerated of total responsibility for the proper functioning of such networks, for the truth and legality of the contents or information which may be accessed and for any harm that the User may sustain as a result of using such data.

1 When using Microsoft Internet Explorer, in the option of the menu Tools, select Internet Options and access to Privacy.

When using Firefox, in case of Mac in the option of the menu Preferences, select Privacy and access to the section Show cookies and, in case of Windows in the option of the menu Tools, select Options and access to Privacy and then, Use customs setting for history.

When using Safari, in the option Preferences, select Privacy.

When using Google Chrome, in the option of the menu Tools, select Options (Preferences in Mac) and access to Advanced and then, in the option Setting, Contents in the section Privacy and, finally select Cookies in the dialogue box Content settings.


We employ technical and organizational security measures to protect the personal data you give to us from any deliberate or non-deliberate manipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorised persons. Our security measures are improved and adapted on a regular basis according to the state of the art.


If you have any queries, requests or complaints about our website, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

SEAT Ireland
Block C, Liffey Valley Office Campus
Liffey Valley, Dublin 22


SEAT Ireland takes great care in compiling the contents of these internet pages and makes sure that they are updated on a regular basis. They are nevertheless only meant to provide non-binding general information and cannot replace detailed individual advice to help the prospective buyer make his/her decision. The technical features and equipment of the vehicles described are only examples. Such features and equipments can vary. They are subject to alterations at any time. You will get binding up-to-date specifications on the features, equipments, characteristics and prices of our vehicles exclusively from your authorized dealer.

SEAT Ireland does not guarantee that the information on these pages is up-to-date, accurate and complete, or that they can be accessed without disturbance at any time.

When we refer to web pages of third parties (links), SEAT Ireland does not take any responsibility for the contents of the linked pages. In activating the reference, you leave the information service of SEAT Ireland. Diverging regulations can therefore be applicable to the services of third parties, in particular with regard to data protection.

SEAT Ireland further exempts itself from all liability for related services – in particular for the downloading of files provided by SEAT Ireland on the web pages of SEAT Ireland – in the event of slight neglect of duty, unless fundamental contractual obligations such as life, health or body are concerned, or claims based on the Product Liability Act are affected. The same applies to neglect of duty on the part of our vicarious agents. 


i. This Site includes a tool that allows you to search for and locate selected new & used SEAT vehicles that are available for purchase from a SEAT Retailer based on your search criteria (the “Stock Locator Tool"). You can currently find this tool at: https://www.seat.ie/services/stock-locator

ii. The display of vehicles and search results through the Stock Locator Tool, and your use of this tool to select a vehicle and/or make an enquiry:

    1. does not create a contract or other binding obligation between you and us or a SEAT Retailer; and

    2. is not a vehicle order or an offer capable of acceptance. 

iii. The vehicles available on the Stock Locator Tool are not updated in real time so it is possible that you may enquire about a vehicle which may already be subject to other enquiries or may have already been sold by the SEAT Retailer or which is otherwise not available. In this instance, the SEAT Retailer will contact you by email or telephone to make you aware and offer alternative available vehicles.

iv. The sale agreement for any vehicle listed by the Stock Locator Tool is not concluded on the Site and you will need to visit the applicable SEAT Retailer to make your purchase. The purchase process will start when you visit the applicable SEAT Retailer the same way it would if purchasing a vehicle in person from a Retailer’s showroom. A SEAT Specialist will provide and discuss with you the terms and conditions relating to your purchase of the vehicle.

v. If you decide to purchase a SEAT vehicle, then the agreement for the purchase of the vehicle will be between you and the applicable SEAT Retailer. We (Volkswagen Group Ireland Limited) do not enter into these agreements and, as we are not a party to them, do not have any obligations under them.

vi. The vehicle will only be removed from the Stock Locator Tool when you have purchased it (i.e. when you have entered into an agreement for purchase of the vehicle).

viii. Any enquiry made through the Stock Locator Tool is not a vehicle order or reservation and does not guarantee the vehicle will be available for sale. The enquiry option provides you with an opportunity to discuss purchasing the vehicle with the SEAT Retailer. However, the SEAT Retailer may offer the vehicle to other customers during this period. 

ix. Once you have completed the enquiry process within the Stock Locator Tool, you will receive an email to confirm that your request has been passed to the relevant SEAT Retailer. The SEAT Retailer will contact you by email or telephone to confirm if the vehicle you requested is still available and to set up an appointment for ordering the vehicle.

x. Your enquiry is not a commitment to purchase.

xi. As part of the ordering process, it is exclusively up to the SEAT Retailer to provide you with all the pre-contractual information about the vehicle and then if applicable to agree, with you, all the terms and conditions of the vehicle order including the price, financing conditions and delivery date. Please address any queries or issues to your SEAT Retailer.

xii. If you are selecting a SEAT vehicle, prices shown are SEAT's recommended on the road prices (Recommended On The Road Price or ROTR). Actual prices are set by SEAT Retailers in their sole discretion – always obtain these prices from your chosen SEAT Retailer. The ROTR is RRP including delivery charges of €850 as recommended by SEAT Ireland.

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